River Swan

A5 illustrated art on a greeting card to gift

A5 illustrated art on a greeting card to gift

A5 illustrated art on a greeting card to gift

A5 illustrated art on a greeting card to gift
Hot Air Balloon -
A5 illustrated card to gift
Artwork by Naomi Hands-Smith
These greeting cards are in their original form - a single sided piece of artwork to celebrate a friendship or special occasion.
They're a sustainable alternative to the modern disposable greeting card - something to keep on your desk, coffee table, or to frame as a permanent reminder of a friendship or a memorable moment in time.
A5 in size, and printed on premium, 300gsm FSC certified card with biodegradable cellophane wrapping.
Blank on the back for your own personal message of celebration, goodwill or season's greetings!
The exchange of illustrated greetings among friends dates from ancient times - but instead of being folded as we know them today, they were typically single sheets of fine card with decorative illustrations accompanied by a personal, handwritten message of goodwill.
Greeting cards as they were originally intended are now available from River Swan of Avon.